05.05.2024. (First call, 29.03.2024.)
ISCAAI '2024 - 1st International Scientific Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence
The European Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, EURGAI, is responsible for theoretical and applied research in Artificial Intelligence and organize two hybrid conferences per year. Given the rapid development of artificial intelligence, we organize the 1st hybrid conference in Szeged, Hotel Science, Hungary on May 11, 2024. You can join us in-person or virtually / online.
The best articles will be published in the special issue of scientific journal INDECS with impact factor. No participation fee for EURGAI researchers.
Please register by April 20, 2024. with the title of your paper, abstract and the name of the author/authors. The deadline for the final paper is May 4, 2024. The final program will be prepared one week before the conference... Continue reading >>>